Some of the naughty stuff she does is, She started rolling around EVERYWHERE at 4 months, crawling at 5 months, pulling herself up to standing at 6 months, standing up in the middle of the room with out any help at 8 months and at 9 months has taken many steps, many times. The most we've counted is 8, no 11 no, a lot of steps in a row. She also does all this stuff at high speed. She acts like She's had a few cans of Mountain Dew.....which she hasn't.......just to be clear.
Oh, and she has 6 teeth. She got her 2 bottom ones first, then 2 top ones, but not the 2 middle top ones, the ones next to those so she was vampire baby for a couple of weeks before her 2 top middle ones grew in. She's 19 lbs 9 oz so she's gained exactly 10 lbs in 9 months.... I wish I had only gained 10 pounds in 9 months.
Or maybe, she knows something we don't...
She likes to crawl (at the speed of light) under things. Then get very stuck. How much do we love that her name is Daisy? There are Daisy things to buy EVERYWHERE. Don't mind the bag of trash in the background. We like to leave it there so she'll play in it.
Her 9 month picture...... I sat her in the middle of the floor so I could take a nice sweet picture of her and by the time I got my camera from my hand to my eye, this is what I saw. Lightening fast and a bit rotten.
We sure love this kid. Maddy's new saying is "oh Daisy, I love'a cause a coot" It sounds better when Maddy says it.
We do love'a. Daisy and you are coot.
The end.
PS You may have noticed that I've lost my funny bone. It is due to financial stress and a messy house and perhaps too many hours in the house with my children. School starts Monday.
The end.
I thought your funny bone was still in tact. I giggled. Plus also, that Daisy is wicked and also darling. I love her.
Sophie yelled, "BABY! BABY! BABY!" the whole time I was looking at your blog, by the way.
Also, laundry totes aren't supposed to be that cute. I should have known that you would find the cutest one ever made.
There. Now that my comment is as long as your post but without adorable pictures, I will say farewell.
Oh my oh my oh my ohmyohmyohmyohmy.
When school starts will you be un-grounded and can come to my house? Huh? Can'ya, huh? But with the price of gas and the no job business and the price of gas and the no job business...did I just say that?
Oh my, that baby! Who IS she?
Bring her here to me. And to Dad. Minkey got dead. We'll vacuum.
PS I cried when Minkey got dead.
PPS Ha, verification word "monscr."
PS She looks like a baby with a secret. When she gets old enough I'm gonna ask her what it is. Just look at her pictures! If that's not a baby with a secret I don't know what is.
Thank you for the delightful post. I haven't gotten to know lil' Daizee very well yet, but I'm excited to! That 7-month picture is the sweetest expression.
Love you all so much!
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