Then on Sunday evening Shan appeared on our doorstep with this deliciousness:
It's a DIAPER CAKE. You would think THIS would be the highlight of our weekend. I should have been, we always LOVE Shan to come over, especially with presents. She made us a "diaper cake" with a SOCK cake topper and a body wash/baby lotion center. And cute Binky's too. Her friend asked her what kind of "Binky's" I liked and she said "the cute kind" She is correct. It's safe to say Shan is as excited for this baby as we are. It's true, ask her.
The REAL exciting part of our weekend started with this little monster ^. At 9:35 pm ONE hour and 35 minutes AFTER bedtime, Mads opened their door (PS they are sharing a room now ---you wouldn't know that since I never blog) and Ru was SCREAMING at the top of her lungs.
It seems that our precious 5 year old child had stuck a LEGO up her nose! Curses!
The paranoid parents that we are, looked and looked for it up her nose, couldn't see it, made sure she could breathe and sent her to bed. We did call the after hours DR. He said to take her to Instacare or the E.R. What does he know anyway? We sent her to bed.......
And then to school the next morning. hehe
That night, after Ru had calmed down a bit and could laugh about sticking a LEGO up her nose, she asked if Mads had ever done that when she was little. Max said "no, that really wasn't her forte." Then Ru smiled and said, "yeah, it's my speciality."
So instead of a HUGIE E.R. BILL we'll have a smallish $80 Dr bill instead. (gotta love personal insurance) We'll make up for all our Dr bill savings IN 3.5 WEEKS when our baby comes.
Ru was so brave we went to McDonalds for an ice cream sundae for her and a burger for me. Mostly because I was starving...I mean cause she was so brave.
Also this weekend, we --meaning Max ... did lots of baby chores in the house. It involved MANY holes in the walls. And lots of extra furniture to the basement. Not his favorite thing. He was a VERY good sport.
The end.
If I were you, I'd love me best too. Plus, also, it's my favorite that you sent Ru to bed and school with something up her nose. You are correct, if she can breathe, then why worry so much. My niece once stuck a candy cigarette up her nose and had to go to the ER to get it taken out. Did you guys ever have candy cigarettes in Utah? We always got a crap load of them at Halloween. North Carolina is the Tabacco capital of the whole planet practically, so I guess it would make sense to buy candy cigarettes for your kids. They were kind of like that stick you get in the Fun Dip candy, only just shaped like a cigarette with a red tip, 'cause you've got to have it lit, you know., what was I saying about your blog?
The ER is overrated. Not to mention overpriced. Good job on that decision. Oh yeah... we need to go out one more time before the estrogen ball arrives. Call me.
Wow can Shan be my friend too???
What the heck was Ruby thinking??? What a little stinker! If you had called me I would have insisted you go to the ER, I know a horror story about not getting things out of noses, so I would be rushing there, and that is why it is good that you didn't call me.
Please tell her not to give Ry any ideas!
So...nose + lego = school and a sundae. Good to know ;) Good luck on the 3.5 weeks!!! Then...soup is coming your way!!!
How can a grandmother compete with that Shan-a-extravagant girl? Whew! Darling! And the cake is darling too.
And Ruby??? oh my! Remember when Mark stuck the you-won't-ever-forget-this-Joseph-Smith-hiding-the-Book-of-Mormon-in-the-barrel-of-beans bean up either his nose or ear and they didn't go to Niagra Falls and out to dinner like you would have. They went to the emergency room and missed everything. I think you were smarter. And dang, 80 dollars?? Oh my! YOu should keep that lego in a special box with their baby teeth. Oh wait, the tooth fairy takes those...when she doesn't forget. I'm thinking of things for dinners for 3.5 weeks.
That is all very exciting stuff, but mostly I want to know where you got the cute owl background for your blog. See what a good friend I am? Loving and thoughtful and concerned and all that? I would like Shan best, too.
Oh, but tell Mads that she is gorgeous and Rubes that she is one adventure after the other. And Shan that that diaper cake is glorious. The end.
Love!!! the diaper cake. I've seen them before, but your friend did a bang up job! How cute is that thing! My friend just had a baby, perhaps I should try this out for her...actually, I spend enough money on diapers for my little smooshie pie. I'll just have to make a diaper cake for her.
That is so funny that your Ruby stuck a LEGO up her nose. How do kids come up with this stuff? Imagine if we still did that...Trish would be in a lot of trouble.
Only 3 weeks to go!!!
Loves to you!
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