Today I love Max because he is the hardest worker I know. Other people might think their spouse works the hardest, but they are wrong. Hands down, Max wins the prize.
Sunday night/Monday morning it started to snow. It was little snow / big snow, which means little flakes = big amounts. We got BIG amounts. My Max got up at 5:30 ish in the AM to shovel our treacherous driveway so I could leave - if I wanted to. I didn't want to. Then he drove himself an hour and a half to work (on account of all the snow). He worked all day in rotten weather, on a very
It snowed ALL the dang day. He didn't complain, he didn't think I should shovel, on account of I have been feverish for about 2 weeks. He just came home and was happy and only just a little concerned about where he was going to put all that shovelly snow. The sides of our driveway are already 4 feet deep. (that's about as tall as Maddy if you were trying to picture) Then, as if that wasn't enough, he got up at 5:30ish AM and shoveled until nearly seven.
Plus, to top it off, he wears this cooky hat all the time. That's why I love Max, today.
NOW for Why I love Maddy....
I love Maddy, but today I love her because she is a great little kid.
And her teacher thinks so too.
As for Miss RUBY....
She thought for a few seconds and then blurted out:
And that's why I love Ruby today, she cracks me UP.
The end
That is one thing I don't miss at all about living up there, the crazy steep driveway with all that snow. Yuck. Good luck with that. :)
I am doing much better, thanks for asking. I just take blood thinner shots twice a day, that burn like crazy. And the baby is doing great and right on track.
I hope you and your family have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
And I love you!
I love this story. What a keeper that Max is. His hat is darling, too. And Maddy is an angel. And Rubes is just too funny for words. I do have one complaint, though. Where are the snowy pictures? Cuz we didn't get anything like that here. Hmmm. Maybe you shouldn't have moved to outer mongolia. I'm just sayin'... :)
Only guess what. I commented once and for some reason it did not save. It was a masterpiece, that comment. I'll do my best to recreate it but you know about my scrambled eggs and not remembering too good.
Mostly I love Max best not because he shovels snow at my house. I've not seen him there doing that and maybe it's because you're driveway is so needy that he doesn't have time. I love Max because he lets me cook him dinner.
I love Maddy best because she is the snuggliest ever. And I love Ruby best because she makes me laugh my guts out while that Maddy is snuggled up with me on the couch. It's pretty much a perfect thing.
Why do I love you best? Maybe it's because you send me texts that make me laugh out loud so hard and so loud that it scares poor Hank. Maybe it's because of all the many "gifts" you possess and share with me each day. Maybe it's because you're the kind of friend that I can call on Mondays after 5:00 when I'm good and grumpy about my hour with Nevin. It's prolly all of those reasons and more.
Dear Blessed one, (I'd write "Bleoved" but you'd puke and I hate the word "puke."
You are one lucky woman, it's true. Your hubby is the most handsome in his kooky hat and because of the snow flinging bit and the driving bit and probably the kissing bit but we won't discuss that.
Maddy and Ruby are prizes sent from Heavenly Father, like Cracker Jack.
maddy's teachers name is mrs. dickie (snort)... tee hee! (trying to suppress a laugh)... bwahahahahahaha (it didn't work)
Hey can I get an address for you missy!!! I would love for you to get a Christmas card from us. or facebook me/do you have facebook?
Jen Rouska is annonymous, why did it say that???
I am very proud of my hard-working little brother. I admire him, and he looks darling in his hat. What a great note Maddy got from her teacher, and what a great gift idea--tuna fish!
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