Monday, May 24, 2010

ITS MAY.......

Max woke me up (who am I kidding, I was already awake) at 5:30 this morning to show me this....

NOT only is it May, but it's MAY 24th, it's the last week of school until summer break!

For cryin' out loud. It's enough to hark a dog.

I feel this tree's pain.

Maddy was pretty irate about the whole situation. I tried to lighten her mood by telling her she could make a snow man today at recess, I don't think she was thrilled.

Merry Christmas? Memorial day is next week.



Emily at The Fine House said...

I mean seriously! I'm over it. It too have a tree now bent in half. Merry summer break:)

Kim said...

So I just noticed the Smith Baby countdown!! YEAH, Congrats:) BTW pretty miffed about the whole snow thing. i'm hoping my garden isn't dead.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Welcome to Utah. My basil is about halfway black. It did not like the snow. As for the rest of the garden, what rest? haahahahaha. It pays to be slow, slow, slow, said Mrs. Snail.