Saturday, March 19, 2011

Some Ruby business....

Do not adjust your glasses, it's true, you are seeing Ruby's Drinking Chart. Let me 'splain. She got super sick, (in the sickness that was called January and February 2011) and she wasn't drinking ANYTHING. We made her a drinking chart so there wasn't any dehydration or hospital visits. She got a sticker for every cup of liquid...water, kool-aid, Gatorade, juice, Mt Dew.....whatever I could get down her throat. That's all....

Then, she got a hole in her mouth. Her first tooth fell out, with a little help from her Mom, who couldn't stand the snaggle tooth any longer.

We're both so happy.

The Tooth Fairy didn't get to come for a few nights because Ru wanted to "look at her tooth still".

This is what Ruby's hair looked like on crazy hair/clothes day. (Dr Seuss' birthday week) Maddy's boy teacher didn't let them dress up cause they had a test that day and he thought it would be too distracting. Maddy's favorite day of the year is crazy hair/clothes day. At least she got to help with Ruby's outfit, which was equally as wack-a-doo.

This is what her head looked like after a wild night of sleeping. Pretty cute. Some people pay good money to get that from a salon.

That girl's a natural beauty, even with crazy hair.

THe end.


Jessica said...

Hows come she is so gorgeous? And I really do want that hair. Really.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Ruby's Aunt got in MAJOR trouble for drinking last night. sigh She surely doesn't get any dang stickers. And if it happens again, zoop, she's gone.