Tuesday, October 20, 2009

1st Blog-a-versary.....

It was totally my blog anniversary on October 15th and I didn't even remember or blog or probably care or nothing. It is apparent that I don't value this relationship very much.

Perhaps I should repent.... Maybe I will.

The end.


Jessica said...

Well, did your blog remember? Did it bring you roses or take you to a fancy dinner? Don't feel too guilty. Or guilty at all. Your blog is a slacker, too.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Repentance is good for the soul. And for the rest of us who wonder if your kids have quit being delightful, like Maddy's clothes. Can't wait to see if the repentance takes hold.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

PS I've loved every single blog post. Thanks for bringing laughter and fun and sensitivity into my life.

PS Word verification: "Sings." I'm singing your praises.

Shan said...

Happy Blog-a-versary! I would have gotten you something, but I didn't know. Maybe next time you'll be on top of things and make sure we all know so we can shower you with gifts and love and such. Maybe we should all just do that anyway because you are a pleasure and a delight.