Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The most wonderful day of the year....

It was Maddy's favorite day of the whole school year, yesterday.


She wore a hat that Meghan brought back for her from some crazy place she went to over the summer. Kirghistan, I think (At least that is what my spell check thinks).

This super cool hat was a big hit with all the rest of her class. Maddy said someone commented on a boy's hat in her class, he just said to them: "Maddy's is the coolest"

Plus, also, she can wear fish hook earrings now and is overjoyed right to death. She is such a good minder, the lady at the piercing place told us to wait six months to wear fish hooks, and so she waited until exactly October the 16th to wear them.

Here is Ruby the morning of Crazy Hat Day.
She is not so crazy.


Shan said...

I believe that comment about Ruby being not-so-crazy is inaccurate. Any child that gladly lines up for whoopin's has to have a certain amount of coo-coo-ness in her head. Plus, also, it occurs to me that I have no idea how to spell whoopin' or coo-coo and spell check will be pretty much no help! Plus also, I have nothing to say about that Maddy girl other than I love her very guts and she looks smashing in that hat.

Jessica said...

Love the hat, love the earrings, love the girls. They are precious. Plus also crazy. In a good way.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

That Meghan, she knows what Madds likes and I have to admit it is a darn cute hat. How I love a girl who goes by the rules, six months to the day! Hillary, you have wonderful children and I know a lot of the reason is because of your and Max's values and consistancy. You are everything that parents should be.

Unknown said...

I like Maddy's hat, and Ru might just tie with Snazz for most photogenic