Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The people I keep.....

Ruby and I were at the grocery store this afternoon, when I turned around to see the second counselor in our ward, Brother Montague. He had groceries in both hands. In one had was a gallon of milk and some bananas (in a bag) and in the other hand was a box of Budweiser BEER. He saw me and gave a look of complete shock. All the while, trying to hide his beer behind his back. Oh, also he had a BYU t-shirt on, because that is where he works.

Before any of you go call our Bishop, he was kidding. Apparently, he had seen me and decided to play a trick. He had already paid for his grocery's when he saw me, and CAME BACK, found the beer aisle, grabbed his prop, and wandered the store until he found us so he could "casually" walk by and see what I would do.

The things some people will do for a laugh.

He's a keeper.


Emily said...

That is awesome!!!

Shan said...

I think I like him best of everyone in your ward. Well, everyone except for maybe you and rubes, and maddy.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

That what he SAID! No, really, he was probably using it for fertilizer. NO, that's not it, he was going to take it to a homeless person who just wanted a handout which he said he would spend on FOOD but the counselor knew it would be for beer. He was cutting out the middle man and just giving him the beer right off. Oh wait, he was testing you to see how you'd react so he could call you to be the Primary President. If you were freaked out he would only call you to the nursery. Lucky you.

Jessica said...

I love that story, as you know. Plus also beer gives hair a brilliant luster. Your mom forgot that.

You know what else is funny? Skeet.

The end.

The 4 Willows said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! That is hilarious! I love it!

The Doves said...

Ahem, please stop spelling aisle wrong. It is not 'isle'. That'll be all.

Love the grammar police.