Sunday, August 1, 2010

She's not 4andahalf anymore.....

After 6 long months of being 4 and a half, this Ruby kid turned 5. Seriously, she told us she was 4 1/2 -- YESTERDAY.

RUBY: you are a pleasure of the highest amount. You are a squirrely little kid-- you take a breath between the LETTERS of your words, not the syllables. You throw the occasional hissy fit-which is not a pleasure. And you love your Dad the best of all---he is your "#1". (I'll get you back someday--let it be written)

Your Ruff Ruff (or Ruffy) is your best puppy ever. You like to sleep with only your Tinker Bell blanket on at night---but only until Mom and Dad go to bed, then you want us to cover you up with all your covers. You HAVE to have someone listen to you say your "pears" (prayers), mostly you want Mom to do it, and she wonders why you still love Dad best?

This is the face you made when you came home from church and saw the house decorated with banners and streamers and a ladybug cake.

You say and do the funniest stuff, but don't like people to laugh at you. You are extremely in love with your little sister that has yet to be born. You have to give good night hugs to Dad, Mom AND baby several times, before you can go to bed. You LOVE to watch Roughin' it Outdoors with your Dad, every Sunday morning.

Today has been a day of third person comments from you. "the birthday girl needs a little help with her dress", "Maddy is taking my.....the birthday girl's blanket" "the birthday girl is not berry happy" "can someone read the birthday girl the comics?" (the birthday girl is getting on her big sisters nerves)

The ladybug cake you requested......

The Ladybug cake, with her alterations, done by you-- with a little help from Maddy.

So Ruby, On this very day, 5 years ago, your scrawny 10 pound 14 ounce self joined our lives and wormed your way into our hearts.....

......And quite possibly wrapped your Daddy around your little finger.

We love you, kid.


Emily said...

EEk!! Happy 5th birthday "birthday girl". She's a doll!! Kudos on the cake, it rocks!

Jeanne said...

You should be one proud Mama. What a cutie you have there (the girl, and the cake!)

Jesse's girl said...

OMG! This is what happened when I'm on unemployment: I don't check my calendar anymore!!!! How can we possibly have let that one go by without calling!!!!!! We are the worse uncle and aunt in the world!!!!! Luckily, we will soon be getting big lessons in kids and all that stuff, so I hope we get better and better! Although we perfectly know we will probably remains miles and miles behind all the other amazing aunts and uncles that the birthday girl has! We will send a big belated birthday card in the mail!!!!!! much love!
Bad uncle Jesse and worser aunt Renée!

Jesse's girl said...

I apologize for the several grammar mistakes in the last post! Next time I'll write it in French and make no such mistakes! ;)

Jimi said...

Such a cute post! I remember back when Ruby was a little tiny (ha!) baby. It doesn't seem so long ago. We sure love her, she's a cutie!

Unknown said...

ohh, it's the cutest little five-year-old ever! And I love the cake. It does seem like she was just born.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Jesse's Girl was not the only one who forgot to call! I plead old age.

That girl has wormed her way into everyone's heart. I'm glad you listen to her pears. That is so important. I remember well, standing in your doorway, saying, "Hurry up!" I was a terrible, tired mother.