Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Adventures at Onion Days

Onion Days is a big deal around here. It has nothing to do AT ALL with onions (perhaps it use to) but still, we celebrate. This year Max had to work, and I was a bit sad about that, until my friend Shan called. I stole this picture from her blog. She's super fun and cute too.

Shan is a VERY popular Jr high teacher in Payson. She wanted to go party with all the onions but didn't want to go by herself and see oodles of students and be the crazy weird teacher who goes to carnivals alone.

So she called me. And since I wasn't about to take my children by myself (it's true, I wouldn't have) we went together.

First, because of the parade I couldn't get across main street to her house. I probably could have but I didn't have to nerve or the skills to figure out how. So I had to park in the first available parking spot I found, which happened to practically be in another state. We had a nice long walk and met Shan at the carousel.

Where the children promptly got on- and rode with out waiting in ANY lines. All the other children were busy watching every single city royalty, dance group, old person and band march the parade. The parade is really not that fun. Maddy even said.

My camera is too slow, so here is a horse bum picture. After we ate and rode some rides and ate some more, we walked to Shan's house, which is about one whole block from the fun. Our plan was to walk to her house, and she would drive us to our car, which I wasn't exactly sure of its location. When we got to her house, her neighbors were having a party and her car was totally blocked in the driveway. So we waited. And finally decided to start our trek back to (find) our car. I'm not sure if Shan was bored and knew she couldn't go anywhere in her car or she felt bad about us walking so far, but she came with us. It made for a way more funner trip. When we finally go to our car Shan promptly said: "You have a flat tire." I wish she had been kidding.

This, by the way, is my first flat tire of my driving career. Not to shabby.

That morning I had taken something to Max at his job site and ran right over a screw. That'll teach me to deliver stuff to him. It should teach him too, because he had to rescue us. He pumped up my tire and followed us to Shan's house to drop her off. Her car wasn't blocked in anymore. Then we dropped of my car at the tire place (turns out I need 4 new tires, but only because I don't get them rotated ever very often.

While we were waiting for Max to rescue us, we had Maddy and Ruby run around the car (which was totally safe) 10 times. Ruby about got clobbered by a truck because as soon as she saw Max pull up she bolted across the street for him. I tell you, that kid loves her dad too much- it's dangerous.

After a wash (carnie's are ick) and a rest we went back to the carnival with the Dad. The girls had decided earlier in the day that they wanted to ride the Ferris wheel with him.

These are the best pictures I took of their ride.
This ride is next to the Ferris wheel. Each cage twirls around while the whole contraption spins. You couldn't pay me to ride it. Maddy use to want to ride it back when she was too small, she has come to her senses and says she'll pass.

We had enough tickets left that all three of the kids went on the big slide.

The big one didn't listen when I say "hold on a second, I'll take your picture."

After the rides, we had some YUMMY carne asada for dinner. We were at the vendor at the exact right time because they were almost out and gave us half off a second meal so they could go home. LUCKY US - it was delicious. Also, it fed all of us for less then a trip to Wendy's.

Ruby got finished with her dinner early and took to "streaking" up and down the hill.

We walked around the booths and the girls bought some "flair" (buttons) for a whole 75 cents.
They ALL played on the playground until it was time to go home.

It was a strange and a super fun day. I even learned a few things:

1. if your husband forgets something at work, tell him tough beans.
2. Do figure out the best way to Shan's house BEFORE a parade happens.
3. try to take note of what street you parked your car on.
4. SUNSCREEN is your friend.
5. Remember to laugh at a flat tire. Because it really is funny.

The end.


Shan said...

Looks like we had a great time. I'm glad you came back and had even more of a great time with your not grumpy husband. He was practically delightful as he should be.

Jeanne said...

Everyone needs a fun friend like Shan (or me.. hee hee) can I borrow her sometime? My kids have been begging to go on a roller coaster. I guess I should have headed to Onion days.

Cheryl said...

Oh Hillary what a riot....you are a character and those kids are the cutest things...your and Max aren't bad either! Sorry about the car....sounds like a fun day after all....love you

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Hey, you did well with all the photos. Can you move them around yet?

I felt like I as there. Did they have the Crash up Derby this year?

That Max. He is my hero.

That Snan. She is the fun-queen.

That Maddy, she is the hider on the merry go round but as I looked closer, there she was and she is beautiful.

That Ruby. Running to her dad and almost getting clobbered. I got chills when I read that.

And that you. The cutest. Ever.

Remember when you rode the Ferris Wheel and got green and then greener and then threw up? I remember.

Emily said...

Hilary, what would I do without you to make me smile and laugh?? You are one funny chick. I will remember to laugh at a flat tire...maybe!!

ps carnies ARE ick. It makes me want to sanatize just thinking about it!