Tuesday, September 15, 2009

AP Forth Grade and boyfriends....

Maddy's teacher thinks she is teaching an AP forth grade class. At least that's what it seems like with all the homework she is giving out. Maddy is no dummy. In fact she is quite a smarty pants, she is also a homework doer and an avid rule follower. We thought her 2nd and 3rd grade teachers were strict. Her 2nd and 3rd grade teachers were a delight. This new lady (who was Maddy's Tumbling teacher a few years back) puts a whole new spin on strict.

Maddy's best friend Bailey wasn't at school one day last week. So the next day I asked Maddy where she had been? Maddy said she didn't know because they aren't allowed to talk during school. I said, why didn't she ask her when she first got to school - before the bell rang. Maddy said they aren't allowed. They are suppose to start on their morning work as soon as they get in class.

AP Forth Grade.

They have to have good posture in class, it is called "learning position". They have spelling, math and reading homework every night- even on weekends. The spelling is not just reciting and writing the words down, no, she has about 8 different things to choose from (like "write sentences for all the spelling words, using at least 3 in each sentence") and you can't choose the same one two days in a row. At least Maddy says so, because she is a rule follower.

The math is suppose to take 10 minutes (or so her teacher says). If you are Maddy and your dad (who is no math dummy) is helping you, it talks about an hour some days. JUST FOR MATH.

The reading part is lame too. Not only does she have them read for 20 minutes (which is no biggie) but she has -again- given them busy work things to write about, for their reading each night. For example: "write 5 questions you would ask a character in the book" or "what would you change if you were the author" or "write a summary of what you have read so far". Maddy is a super reader and reads well above grade level, (She read Island of the Blue Dolphins two summers ago, and loved and understood it - she was 7 ) and sometimes only reads half a chapter before bed. Now, what is she suppose to summarize about half a chapter?

Apparently she's in AP Forth Grade.

As for Ruby

Last year in pre-school, she had boys helping her with her coat and backpack, and holding doors for her. This year she already has a boy who wants to be her boyfriend. She JUST turned 4! I tell you, I am afraid for me, when that girl is in High School. I swear she'll be the one sneaking trashy make-up and immodest clothes to school in her book bag, and hiding behind the dugout.

At least she'll still have her uni brow to scare them off with, when I ask her if she wants me to wax it again she slaps her hands over it her foremelon forehead and yells "NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!"



Emily said...

Quick question. Is it Miss Penny? Strange to be so strict. You're supposed to still like school in the 4th grade! Oh well. By the way, how do you do that cross out thingy, I've been trying to figure it out. I'm not bright! Thanks again for fun times at Bunco...

Shan said...

I think probably Maddy had might as well be in my 8th grade class. She's probably smarter. She definately does more work and obeys better. I'm not in love with that teacher because it sounds like she's more in love with rules than all the little souls in her class. I'm sad about that because I bet she has no idea how squeeqably wonderful Maddy is.

As for Ruby...I believe you are correct. Only here's what I found awfully suspicious...all the knowledge you have of trashy makeup and clothes and sneaking out and the dugout. It sounded all a little too first-handish and not very hypothetical-ish. I'm just sayin'.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

SHAN! first-handish? Oh my stars! I'm fainting dead away.

As for the homework and the strictness and the boyfriends I have NO advice. That is why, God in his wisdom, did not give grandparents babies!

Hillary said...

Dear Shan, I was the PERFECT child. Just ask my sweet mother who is wonderful and kind and lovely, and who I love more than frosting (and Gilmore Girls-they betrayed me).

The end

Jeanne said...

Super strict teachers...BOOOO! Mally has one this year too. She is not alllowed to sharpen her pencil...EVER. So the super cute new pencils she brought from home had to be brought BACK home to be sharpened. Also, her teacher says changing shoes for PE takes to much time. So Mally has to wear her lace up PE shoes EVERY DAY. What girl wants to wear the same shoes every day!!! Not to mention she can't wear them with dresses or skirts. Well, she could, but she would look like a poligamist. Thanks for letting me vent. One more time...BOOOOO!

Jessica said...

Send Maddy to my kids' school. Their teacher is so nice and wonderful. Plus lovely. Well, maybe not that lovely, especially these days. But, she would even let her come in her jammies. And if Ashton wasn't in class one day, Maddy could definitely ask where she was.

A week or so ago, a boy showed up at my door because he wanted to say hi to Ashton. He was apparently so nervous that he had to have his siblings come as moral support. I freaked out and she's nine. I don't know what to do about your FOUR. Unfortunately, I don't think the unibrow is enough. Have you seen that girl? Unibrow and all? She's gorgeous.

The end.

P.S. That wasn't really the end, apparently. I am glad to have my computer back so I can see your blog. There. The end for real.

Unknown said...

Well, that teacher just sounds like too much, way too much. A fourth grader should NOT have that much homework. If Azzy does when she is in 4th grade I will have to take a big nap before she gets home to get ready to help her. Wish I could have been at the party yesterday. I heard you made a great dessert. I am afraid the unibrow will not scare the boys away. I miss you and love you. I will blog soon. We are so busy getting move. Love you!