Friday, October 24, 2008

The bum toe pity party.

So you should look at them cuz they are AWSOME I tell ya.

So it is 11:47 pm and I am up. I went in today for a bum toe cranking. That is what the Dr called it. He said he was going to crank it. Now does that sound pleasant to you? Me either. For you newbies to my bum toe my left big toe didn't bend. Like for 4 years it didn't bend so last May I finally had surgery on it. Well May was 5 months ago and my toe still doesn't bend. I have been going in every 3 or 4 weeks to the Dr and it has been the same non-bendy toe. I had a steroid shot in it that lasted about 3 hours. I have worn numbing patches that didn't make a darn bit of difference. And so Monday I went in for my checkup and he said "lets crank it" Well SURE that sounds fun to me. My Dad took me in today (for 7 more minutes it is today) and I had it cranked.

First he couldn't find a vein to give me some partial sedating so he just went ahead and numbed my nerves of my foot. That wasn't pleasant I tell you. Then, when it was good and numb he pushed my toe forward with all his might. It reminded me of the chiropractor when he puts his whole body into a re-adjustment. SCARY for my toe. I heard all sorts of noises that didn't sound good but when he was finished my numb toe bent! So I put on my cute high heel shoes he told me to bring and went on my merry way, walking like a chicken or some other strange thing that walks like they have a dead foot smooshed into a little spiky number. No offence to all you chickens out there. You are suppose to walk like that.

Now I am up, still with a numb foot, and nervous for it to be un-numb and hurting. Oh the Dr (who is is not a pleasure) also said that it was going to hurt because he tore some ligaments but just walk through the pain. UMMM high heels are painful without all the above mentioned ruckuses. I changed my mind. I just want to l forget about the whole thing and finish off my live in nurse shoes. That would be much less hurty.

Tomorrow is the Halloween carnival and the Trunk or Treat at our church. And I made the mistake of telling my children about them. Darn it. Wish me luck.

Ps. funny, the spell check doesn't recognize some of my words. Guess it doesn't speak "Hilarioun"


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Thanks for the good laugh. I should send you the photos so you can add them. Maybe I will.

Okay, they are on their way. You can put them on your blog if you want. I sent Rubs, Mads and Dad's feet too, just because.

Call me tomorrow and I will tell you "There, there."

Unknown said...

Oh, potato! (Ask your Mom what that means when you are crying to her). Foot pain is the worst. I could cry for my Hildy. I want to crank your doctor. He should have looked harder for a vein to sedate you. And he should have given you earphones with music. What a BEAST! I can so empathize about the not being able to wear cute shoes problem. Even when I was skinny I could not. When I was young I thought old ladies wore "old lady" shoes because they had no taste. This is not true. It is because they do not hurt! I want to wear sexy shoes too, although they would look strange with my maternity sweatpants...



Natalie said...

I'm so glad that you started a blog, and you are so much better than I am because I've been doing it for months now and you already have more posts than I do!! I feel bad about your toe, I should make you some treats or something to make it feel better!!