Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin carving takes 13 hours...This blog took longer

We carved pumpkins last night...Because we couldn't put it off anymore. Mads was so grumpy that we didn't carve them on Monday which is Family Home Evening. Not that we are Family Home Evening regulars. But it is simply tradition to carve them the Monday before Halloween. I guess.

Here is Mads pumpkin, note her scary skeleton face. She is trying to match her pumpkin. I thought she was trying to be a rabbit but we all know my mind does strange things.

And her is Rubs pumpkin. She chose this face to carve cuz it was printed on the scooper that gets the pumpkin guts out. She is very creative for 3. Please note HER scary face. Afraid?

Now, fast forward through the night and to this morning, (Which started at 6:15 AM for my children but that is a post for a different day.)

We had a brilliant idea that Mads skeleton pumpkin should have a bow. So I drew one on and she cut it out.

So what do you thing Rubs pumpkin needed? Correct. a BOW. Which irked Mads to no end by the way. Don't ask my why Rubs picture is tweaked. I rotated it and it is upright in my pictures so please just rotate your head while viewing. We tried to change it up a bit by switching her bow to the other side. Are you impressed?

Here is a picture of the two of them with their "Bowed" Pumpkins. How do you like Mads bed head hair? Don't worry, she looked better for school I promise. Anyway her cute smiley face makes up for the crazy hair?


Cindy Price said...

Darling pictures!! Love the bows, I have never, ever seen a carved pumpkin with a bow before!!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Well, Max is certainly the cutest thing---poor little thing---that I've seen in a long...oh, wait, well, Mads is certainly the cutest...oh wait, eek! Rubes has a scary face. Mads has buck teeth, Rubs is levitating.

Verrrr nice. I get to talk to you every day now, saying you WILL blog even though your computer freezes. It's nice to be needed.

Unknown said...

What a happy thing to look at at the end of a not my favorite day. My brother is cute, too cute, as are my nieces! and Mads does look like a rabbit. And the last picture of them, awww. Poor Maddy having Ruby jump on the bow-bandwagon. But when you have a good idea, that is just how it goes.




Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Go to Trent's blog and see the mutant baby.