Thursday, October 16, 2008

Here I am, a blogger.

I am starting a blog firstly because I'm tired of my Mom saying "you should blog please start a blog why don't you blog" every time I speak to her. And often when I open my email and even on her blog. She took a poll once. I love my Mom the very most, and not just because I am her favorite child. Which I am.

I am secondly starting this blog because a few weeks ago I got my Journal out to write and the last entry was of my ultrasound when we found out we were having a girl. She's now three! I'm not sure I will post every day but I am quite sure I will post more than every 3 1/2 years. So now I blog. I hope you are satisfied people. I'm not sure I am.

I was having bloggers remorse last night. Laying in bed all anxious, wondering what I'll have to say and how often I'll say it and if my grammer will be correct. I don't have time for this. Then I thought of all my family and friends, living from California to Indianna plus also Canada who I miss every day and now they can read what we are up to and the silly things the chillins do and say. (Cuz they are funny little people) So I am feeling much better about my blogger situation.

Thank you and have a nice day.


Jeanne said...

Congratulatories on your blog! You'll be amazed at all the silly things that will pop up during the day that pre-blog life would have meant nothing. post-blog life you'll be eager to blog about them. Wow...I said blog a lot. obviously I have grammar issues as well. I'm excited to peek into your cute life. love ya!

rouskafamily said...

Welcome my fellow bogger friend!! I am so happy for you!! I know that this will make our relationship grow and flower into something beautiful- I am excited to hear and see about your family.

whirligigdaisy said...

Your Mom is a persuasive lady. An angel to many too. Welcome to blogging. Can't wait to hear from you.