Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sleeping at night is way overrated...

At night you have the window open in both the bathroom and the bedroom thinking there will be a draft and you will be, oh so cool, and the wind blows and the blinds bang and the door is opening and shutting ever so slightly, so you get up and close the bathroom window and later someone's dog barks so you close the bedroom window and then your arms fall asleep and you have rotten dreams and you wake yourself up coughing because, probably, you don't drink enough water and possibly, you eat dairy, and your husband snores, with his head practically on your pillow, and he doesn't hear the dog or the banging but wakes up and goes outside in the middle of the night to bring in his tender seedlings from the greenhouse, and that wakes you up even more and after you are finally dozing off, your daughter gets up to go to the bathroom in the wee hours of the AM and leaves the light on, which shines right exactly in your eyes and your can't roll over because that arm was asleep too long and it is tired of being lay ed on. So you get up and...I AM NOT GRUMPY!



Shan said...

No wonder you blog in the middle of the night.

Jessica said...

That is a very sad story. Maybe you are coughing because you came to my coughy house the other day. I am sorry. But you have to be careful about those falling-asleep-arms. They are scary. I will tell you about it one day when Shan is around. Because I'm not allowed to tell it without her. It is her very most favorite story. I hope things go better tonight. Tell your hubby that those nose strips work beautifully.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Hey, when I grew up our neighbors had a rooster, who thought dawn started at 3:30 and at 3:45 and 4:00 and 4:15 and 4:45 and 5:00 amd 5:15 amd 5:30 and we had dogs that barked at 3:35 and 3:40 and then constantly from 3:50 until 7:00 a.m. when their owners came outside and give them breakfast or kicked them, I don't know which and then the dogs went to bed and slept all day long while I had to get up and go to school. AND I lived in the windy town and so the wind whistled around the eaves and I thought it was a witch so I slept with my head under the covers and was oxygen deprived and THAT'S why I'm not a flippin' genius.

And the word verification is "Porefoon." This means something.

kt said...

Hey Hillary - great to see you.