Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's all the rage....

Elasta Girl found a Chinese Jump rope in her Easter basket.

She was totally obsessed - for about 2 weeks.

Roo was more interested in the potato bug she found.

Very interested.

Mr Smith was VERY interested in jumping. What a good sport.

The bug. I think it's dead.


Emily said...

where in the world did the E. Bunny find a chinese jump rope. I've been looking all over for one...

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Why do your posts make me laugh at the last line? I will come back and read just before bed and then I will sleep happy.

PS the word verification is "dentio." My temporary crown fell of tonight and Her Excellency of Mousehole called with a dental need so it's to the dentio for both of us, I guess.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

PS Mr. Smith is a wild man. Has he ever been to Borneo?

meghan said...

The action shot of Max is just beautiful! You are quite the photog.

I am also quite pleased that you're starting up with the labels. Labels are fun.

Hope you're excited to take E-girl back tomorrow. Feeling bad, went to check on her in the night, and she seemed to be sleeping soundly, but then shot up in bed after my standing there for a minute of silence. What a bad aunt. Scaring her niecy out of sleep. Oh well.

Looking forward to seeing you guys on the morrow (or later today, technically).

Shan said...

I've never heard of or seen a Chinese jumprope in all my life!!! How can that be? I feel like I was cheated at what could possibly have been a wonderful memory of my childhood....like me winning the chinese jumpropeing championship of my school and all of the children chanting my name and carrying me around on their shoulders....I'm sure it would have happened like that, but I'll never really know. Bless my heart. Elasta Girl will have to show me about that thing.

TeamGornold said...

i was the chinese jump rope queen, and i never let my friends have a turn...bow to the queen!

Jessica said...

I had completely forgotten about chinese jump ropes. That is very cool. And that Roo and her bugs...Cutie patootie.

(Perhaps we should have a championship just for Shan and chant her name. EG would have to coach her. Whaddaya think?)

Unknown said...

This is the cutest picture of my little brother! I thought he looked like a bored fencepost in the first two pictures, but I guess he was just waiting for his turn to jump!