Monday, June 15, 2009

It's just so sad....

We brought a bin of Elasta Girl's old clothes out today, to see if any of them would fit Roo.

Elasta Girl started to dig through and found one of her favorite shirts, held it up in front of her and said:

"It's just so sad."

What's even sadder, is that Elasta Girl grew out of said shirt about a year ago, and it's gonna fit Roo in about a year. They are not 2 years apart, they are 5 and a half years apart.

It's just so sad.....


Shan said...

I remember the sadness of growing out of my favorite clothes when I was little. I find it even sadder that at 33 I'm still growing out of some of my favorite clothes.

Unknown said...

well, that is how I feel too when I look back at some of my pretty clothes from when I was "little" (20's)

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Some mothers save clothes from when THEY were little and when Grandma comes to visit she see's her nine year old granddaughter wearing something she purchased twenty five years ago. I tell you, it warms the heart.