Monday, June 1, 2009

I ordered a LARGE cappuccino...

My friend Shan brought me a present.

It's as big as your head - Bigger actually. It's a planter! And she bought it for me because ( I think) it yelled at her to give it to me. Probably.

This is Shan. I stole this picture from her blog about her new best hair ever. Cute huh? She's a babe.

Shan called the other night and said: "Hillyerie, Can I come over and bring you a present?" What was I suppose to say about that, I tell you? So, she came over. Shan doesn't think my house is far away - like some people. I love that Shan.

Here's a comparison to a regular sized mug. It's as big as your head. And it's still empty. I can't find anything fabulous enough to plant in it.

Perhaps, someone else should come over and bring me a plant. Just a suggestion.



Jessica said...

I think that thing did yell at her. I can hear it from here yelling your very name. It is so very happy. (And she doesn't think you live far away because she lives in the Mongolia suburbs.) I can't wait to see what you put in that wonderful thing.

(Today is not looking good at my house. Let's do the lunch plan. And maybe shopping. And maybe a trip to the Caribbean.)

And, by the way, that Shan girl has some fantastic hair. I wonder who her genius hairdresser is... Whomever she is, she is almost as genius as your hairdresser!

Shan said...

That tea cup might even be bigger and more wonderful than I remembered it. I'm glad that you love it so. I will come visit it this summer. If you happen to be around, I'll come see you too.

TeamGornold said...

what a cute big mug gift. i like it! and your blog is super cute too. yea this comment means that i am finally back to the blogging world! horray for me and for all the people who still kind of check out my blog!
love you little lady and i hope to see you soon!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

That Shan, she doesn't do anything half way, does she? It is the very cuteness of all. Can't wait to see the finished project. Maybe you should plant something that could be brought inside for the winter. How could you stand to do without?

meghan said...

Thanks for giving us a size comparison to put things in perspective. I really didn't appreciate its grandeur until that shot with the tiny, wussy mug.

Unknown said...

wow. If I drank a cappucino that large I'd be up until 2011!