Sunday, June 28, 2009

Smoke alarm!

Why is it that the smoke alarm batteries ALWAYS decide to run out of juice exactly in the middle of the night?

Why is it that 3 days ago, when the smoke alarm first went off in the middle of the night protesting the battery juice didn't we change them then?

By "WE" I really mean Mr Smith. I'm too short even with a step ladder.

Why is it that when the smoke alarm goes off in the middle of the night, we don't think it's a fire.


I'm going to have a nap.


Jessica said...

What an adventure. Aren't you grateful there was no fire? And I hope those batteries have been changed by now. And your new background is so very cute. And I am excited I get to see you this week. And I am the first commenter. Yea, me!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Dear Smoky,

Murphy's law. That's why.

The end.

Unknown said...

It's like when a car alarm goes off. No one ever says, oh no! A car is being stolen! well, I hope all your fire alarms will be false alarms of course, but I will hope they can time themselves a little better. I saw your new shoes on your Mom's blog. Do you wear these to church? They don't look comfy, but they sure are cute. Maybe you just prance around in them for my brother (don't tell him I said that!)

Shan said...

I hate to admit this because all persons concerned about saftey and burning alive will not like it. I took the batteries out of my alarms long ago beause the went off exactly in the middle of the night every couple of weeks. New batteries did not help one stinkin' little bit. Fortunately, I have a small house. It's practically all the same room, and if I'm inside it, I'll know there's a fire immediately. I know what you are thinking...what if it's in the middle of the night? Well, I'll take my chances because I've got a good sized window in my room that would be easy as pie to crawl out of. So, there.

Janice {Run Far} said...

ha ha... so funny, yet frustrating all the same.