Sunday, March 14, 2010

Snow day...

Yesterday morning it was sunny and warm. Then by the afternoon it was blizzardish outside. It didn't stop til today. Big heavy wet snow........ I'm bored of snow. It's MARCH for cryingoutloud.

Max likes everyone to keep him company while he shovels....Mostly because he can chuck snow at his children. Maddy's was thrilled.

He also likes to bury them in the snow. Ruby wasn't a fan.

Maybe she was, a little.

Action shot. See the snow flying? They're a bit claustrophobic I think. (of all the words I misspelled in this post "claustrophobic" wasn't one of them. HUHhh Go figure)

GRRRRR. "Maddy took some of my snow."

And one gigantic snow lady. Max and the girls made this lovely creation while I cleaned up breakfast. Max made a snow "ramp" cuz the middle snow ball was too heavy to lift. What a smarty pants I married.

Maddy said I had to actually come outside to "see the full effect". Right exactly as I was taking this picture, the snow lady's eye fell out. Maybe she was winking, who knows.

Maddy doing the always enjoyable bunny ears.

And big hugs. Don't ask me what Maddy is doing.....remember, she's 10.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I hope you really are going to get your blog made into a book because this post is wonderful. Except for no photo of the Maxinator with the snow shovel.

Shan said...

How did you sneak this post in without me not knowing until a day later. You are slacking my friend. You are supposed to call me so I don't go for months without looking. Plus, I've got to admit that it is by far the greatest snowwoman I've seen maybe ever. Usually kids get all excited about a big fat snowman and then realize maybe not and then you get piddly ones or only half done ones. Plus, the wig is mostly my favorite. Plus, also today is Tuesday after 6:00 so I'll prolly wactually talk to you later. That's all. The end.