Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Who's kid is that......

Other possible names for this post: What was I thinking?, Is that Stephanie from Lazy Town..., Where was that child's mother.... Is her name Candy.... Ruby wants to be like "PINK"-the singer- ( she does love to sing "so what, I'm still a rock star...." )

I seem to have a screw loose. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to turn Ruby's hair FUCHSIA.

She has been super dooper at doing her jobs lately, (it might be because she wants to play with a certain Jayton from her class, but that's another story for another time)

and she's been wanting her hair colored for a really long time.

So yesterday, I put 15 foils of "Raspberry" in this 4 -and a half- year old child's head. It would seem that 15 foils is about 12 foils too many. It would seem that it's......

REALLY REALLY pink and she REALLY REALLY loves it.

This is the face I got when I said we needed to strip some of the color out. I may need to go into hiding. The bad mom police will soon be knocking on my door. And perhaps the hair police too.

In my defence, and probably for the record, I've put this color on her head before (not 15 foils worth) and it didn't go this vibrant. Probably next time I won't add heat to it and leave it on for quite as long. What a bad hairstylist.


Shan said...

Wow! Let it be written.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Ha! The Bad Hairstylist who earlier today called her very own mother a Bad Mom! I wonder what's up with that? And then, later she called her wonderful mother a Bad Mom AND a Tattletale! Will wonders never cease. Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black.

And about that mad face on Miss Pink...all I can say is watch out. She has revenge in her eyes. She might even grow up to call her dear mother names. Watch out.

Unknown said...

I LOVE IT! go momma! who is it hurting? no one! other people can just close their mouths!!

The Peterson Family said...

I think you should keep it! Seriously - I'm lovin' the "Stephanie" look (I haven't seen Lazy Town in AGES!) and Ruby can certainly rock it. So why not!

Chris said...

Hey Rubinski ... How cool -- Kennon and I love Pink the singer and your pink hair too... you go girl!

Alisa said...

Oh my.
I can't wait for Savanna to get home today so I can share with her.
We were just having a conversation this weekend about dreads, and hair color.
I am certain that you will get some funny looks from people. Everyone has their own comfort level with hair, of what is appropriate or not.
I am prepping myself for some interesting times ahead- since Jay was the one who would die his hair bright red!