Sunday, March 29, 2009

Tonsil update and Gifts...

Today, Elasta Girl is doing VERY, very well. Yesterday, and those other days before yesterday, she was worse than crummy. In fact, she said on Friday that she wanted her golf ball tonsils back because having them out hurt too much. Pitiful, I tell you.
I believe she is doing so well because my cute Dad came down (with my equally cute Mom) last night and gave her a blessing. He blessed her that she would get better quickly and be able to eat and drink and take her medicine easily. Some may not think this is a big deal, but if you had been around Elasta Girl the past 3 days you would know that drinking, eating and especially taking her medicine was not an easy task for anyone. I have been (up in the night) worried about her getting dehydrated so bad that she had to have an IV because she wouldn't drink. Today she was a whole different sicky. Today, she didn't cry and refuse to take the pain medicine. And she actually ate and drank, a lot. So much that I asked her: who she was and what had she done with my daughter? Thank you Dad (and Mom) for driving past your house on the way home from Heed and Patty's to give EG a blessing. It worked!

By the way, that picture up there ^ is not upside down. I was standing above EG (behind the couch) while she was watching The Karate Kid with Meghan and Roo today. I just liked it, so there it is.

And now for the GIFTS...

I have the greatest friends. So does Elasta Girl.

First, my parents drove down on Thursday to pick up Roo from pre-school (about the same time we were finished with Tonsil surgery and driving home ourselves-oh well) and brought EG a super cool craft book (wrapped with ribbon and everything) that I fully intend on using for Activity days.
Thursday night my friend Natalie ( she hardly EVER blogs) came over and brought Elasta Girl a hand made get well card, some Popsicles, and a word search book.
Then Friday I called my friend Jessie (you can't look at her blog because she has a strict "no weirdo's" policy) to see if Roo could play with her daughter. She said yes, and that Roo could stay as long as I wanted her too. She also picked up Roo to play, and brought her home! And while she was watching Roo and her girl play, she drew this charactature ( I can't even say it right, let alone spell it right) of Elasta Girl. We're totally getting it framed for her room.

That night Elast Girl's best friend Bailey and her mom came by and brought her Jell-o, stuffed animals for her and Roo, Popsicles and made plans for Bailey to come and hang out on Saturday. While they were visiting, Jimi (she barely blogs) and her boys brought her and Roo super cool Lifesaver Popsicles. Saturday, Bailey came to "play" with EG and brought her a TV tray and another stuffed animal. We love that kid.
Sunday (that's today) Meghan came down to visit and delivered flowers for the girls, from Aunt Kennon and Aunt Chris all the way from Indiana.

For Elasta Girl... Doesn't she look better?

For Roo... She doesn't know what it means to "hold still" so this is what you get, cute but spazzy.

A few hours after Meghan arrived, Mr Smith's Mom, Heidi, came down. She came bearing gifts for everyone. She brought 3 books (all wrapped, with ribbon) for Elasta Girl. A book for Roo (wrapped with ribbon) a whole mess of DVDs ( about 30) for us to borrow, and a dish of Key lime bars. She and Meghan stayed for a very glamorous lunch of Bean with Bacon soup and grilled Tuna and cheese sandwiches. Which Elasta Girl ATE, and ATE and ATE. Yippee.

So, after that long, long, LONG post I say Elasta Girl is feeling better today and I think our friends are the best around.


By the way, let me explain my last post title "The Puny Party" . My mom has said for years, if someone was sick, that they had the "punies" so after her surgery, Elasta Girl said she had the punies. I said that was what my tonsil post should be called. It made her smile, but only for a second. So there you have it. Puny = sick

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Puny Party...

Tonsils - check
Adenoids - check

Elasta Girls surgery was a success. She is doing as well as you can after getting such monsters taken out.
Before surgery:

Comfort from the TOTO.

And after the surgery:

The surgery only too about 30 minutes from the time they wheeled her away to the Dr coming to tell me how it went. I was getting a bit worried after the Dr came and left and then 15, 30, 45 minutes went by. Apparently Elasta Girl was having a hard time waking up and then, calming down. The poor little crumb was in the recovery room without her mom and said she didn't want to bother anyone to ask for me to come.

Every one was so nice at the Surgical Center and Elasta Girl said the other patients were even nice. There was a man having surgery there too that talked to her and cheered her up. She said he made her laugh. She just kept saying how nice everyone was. On the table by her bed were come comments cards that said "oops" on one side and "Wow" on the other. She made me leave a "Wow" comment for them and the whole way home said she couldn't believe how much she liked it there.

From her bed she could see the stickers they gave the kids after surgery, she saw some Dora the Explorer stickers (Roo's FAVORITE TV show) and said: "oh Roo would love those" So we asked the nurses if we could take one home for her. The nurses were so amazed that after how rotten she felt she was thinking about her sister. They gave us 4 stickers. She is the sweetest child I have (wink wink) and am lucky to be her mom. She even said "thank you" every time I gave her an ice chip or a bite of Popsicle!

She is doing pretty good now we have her pain meds. One thing I am finding is she is HUNGARY! She asked last night if she would gain some weight after her tonsils were out. I'm thinking, yes.

Wanna see her tonsils? If you don't, then don't look down.

The End...

We're off...

Just a quick post to say we're on our way to remove the tonsils and adenoids.

Elasta Girl and I have to be at the Surgical Center in Provo at 7 am. The weather is suppose to be awful so we are leaving a bit early. (about 6:15 early)

I've been up since 4:30 this morning, which is silly because I am not the one having surgery.

We'll let you all know how it goes and I'm sure I'll post pictures of E in her cute hospital gown.

Elasta Girl is still not at all nervous. She came home yesterday from school (bouncing off the walls) and said "I wish it was tomorrow!"

That's all, have a nice day.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

And another thing...

Only 3 days left until the "bigger than golf ball" tonsils come out.

Elasta Girl has been actively counting down since about 2 weeks ago, and it is finally very very close. She isn't nervous yet but I'm sure she'll be soon.

3 days. Yippee.

I have a shoe problem...

I already thought this, but now it is official. Because Shan has confirmed it on her very blog on this very day.

I was cleaning out my closet the other day and decided to line up all my shoes in a row.

Lets make that, THREE rows. This picture is after I'd bagged up all the old and moldy ones I didn't feel I needed anymore.

See those blue shoes ^ right up there? I haven't worn them since before Elasta Girl was born. They are from France, and are blue swede, how can I possibly get rid of those?

Remember these lovelies? The ones that started all the bum toe nonsense?

well, these are their trashy younger sisters. They're new and I can't really walk in them for very long (no big deal) but they're hot pink and fabulous and I love them. Besides, floozies need love too.

I have a shoe problem. I even told Mr Smith (months ago) that all I wanted for my birthday (next month) were shoe shelves built in our closet. He grumbled and whined and said stuff like "can't we just buy some". I said stuff like "no, I want them a certain way and besides, I've already looked".

Then Shans friend's husband built some for his wife just because she wanted some. This world is not fair I tell you. Not fair at all.

I have a shoe problem. But I am not an addict.

The end.

Friday, March 20, 2009

This week's pictures

When you're sick and going to the Doctor, what do you wear? Elasta Girl gets decked out in her most fashionable attire.

And red shoes.

I took her to the doctor for the 4Th time in 5 weeks on Monday. She had a nasty strange cough and someone at church had me paranoid about pneumonia. The Dr didn't think it was pneumonia, but he couldn't tell because Elasta Girl couldn't take a big enough breath for him to check her lungs. Good thing those tonsils are coming out on Thursday.

Hi there.

St Patrick's Day 2009

Elasta Girls sneakiest leprechaun looks. Her red nose is a cold sore gone north.

Roo's sneakiest leprechaun looks

Mr. Smith's birthday extravaganza.

Cute cute Elasta Girl while Dad opened presents.

Crazy Roo while Dad opened presents.

Mr Smith with one of his presents. A mini green house to go on the back patio. Roo thought she could fit inside.

My parents and the girls while the green house was constructed.

How do you get rid of the RED EYE...

Like this...

I don't know what Elasta Girl thought was so stinky. But it was the last picture I took so I thought I should put it on.

The End

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday fella...

Today Mr Smith turns 34. Which means we are now the same age. Yippee. I love you fella and am truly glad you're mine. You are my favorite husband EVER.

I never actually blogged about these next 2 pictures, but YEP, Mr Smith does paint a mean fingernail. Hes got mad skills.

We love you a whole heap.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Cow poop...

Saturday was interesting. Mr Smith and the girls went and BOUGHT a heap of cow poop. Mr Smith wanted to plant his spring seeds (lettuce, spinach, radishes, onions and carrots) but first had to have some poop ( I mean "compost"). I stayed safely inside and cleaned non-poopie things. He had two good helpers, but when they came inside they brought half of the "compost" with them. I guess I did end up cleaning poopie things after all.

Roo's shovel was buried in our yard, we found it when we first started landscaping. It's a great little shovel.

Mr Smith also transplanted my Hollyhocks. We had planted them last spring in a too hot spot. They didn't love it.

Check out the roots. I think they'll be OK.

Here they are in their new happy home. We hope they'll hide the drain pipe a little. I also think we'll move that rock. (We- meaning Mr Smith)


Just wanted you to know the girls had a bath after the poop shoveling moment.

The end.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The rest of the silliness..

More cute girls.

Elasta Girl showing us she really lives up to her name. This hurts me.

Roo showing us how bendy her neck is. Not her body, just her neck. Have I mentioned she wants to do everything that Elasta Girl does?

Ppsstthh on you. From: a cute little unibrow.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Just us Girls...being weird

We were just playing around with my camera the other day, and this is what we came up with.

Roo not looking in the right place, Elasta Girl being crazy and my eyes closed. We're keepers.

Cute Elasta Girl and her Mom


Elasta Girl doing "Urkel" Remember, from that Family Matters show? I don't even think she's ever seen Urkel but she knows how he wore his drawers. She even sticks her tummy out and walks funny. It's pretty hilarious.

One crazy gal.

The reason for all the pictures was that I went to Savers Thrift Store (which is no were near Little Jessica's house *sorry Little Jessica*) and found this cute skirt for Elasta Girl ( it was from the GAP and 99 cents ). Here she is doing her best super model pose.

I got this dress for Roo. It was not 99 cents. The picture doesn't show how stinkin' cute it is. It's actually navy blue with white polka-dots. This is her super model pose.

I like this pose of hers better. Man, she's cute. You can see I am in complete concentration to get the perfect shot.

And that's all folks.