By the way, that picture up there ^ is not upside down. I was standing above EG (behind the couch) while she was watching The Karate Kid with Meghan and Roo today. I just liked it, so there it is.
And now for the GIFTS...
For Elasta Girl... Doesn't she look better?
For Roo... She doesn't know what it means to "hold still" so this is what you get, cute but spazzy.
A few hours after Meghan arrived, Mr Smith's Mom, Heidi, came down. She came bearing gifts for everyone. She brought 3 books (all wrapped, with ribbon) for Elasta Girl. A book for Roo (wrapped with ribbon) a whole mess of DVDs ( about 30) for us to borrow, and a dish of Key lime bars. She and Meghan stayed for a very glamorous lunch of Bean with Bacon soup and grilled Tuna and cheese sandwiches. Which Elasta Girl ATE, and ATE and ATE. Yippee.
So, after that long, long, LONG post I say Elasta Girl is feeling better today and I think our friends are the best around.
By the way, let me explain my last post title "The Puny Party" . My mom has said for years, if someone was sick, that they had the "punies" so after her surgery, Elasta Girl said she had the punies. I said that was what my tonsil post should be called. It made her smile, but only for a second. So there you have it. Puny = sick