Monday, April 6, 2009

Just some stuff...

The tonsils are better. The tonsil-less Elasta Girl headed off to school this morning. She was so excited to go, she was up and dressed before we were even out of bed.

She no longer looks like this:

Now she looks like this:

Which makes this person \/ (down there) very happy.

These pictures were taken before tonsil time. Elasta Girl went to Baileys house, they made sock puppets. Baileys house is much funner than our house. I know this because Elasta Girl told me so. And her mom is much funner than Elasta Girls mom. I know this because I am not dead or blind or living in a hole. They have all sorts of crafty ideas. I could have crafty ideas but I wouldn't have the supplies for them. Her mom does. She's awesome.
They also have a trampoline.

This is what happens to straight hair on a tram.

Oh, and over the weekend Roo was spazzing out on the couch (not really jumping but definitely not sitting still) when out of the blue she says: "I'm AWESOME"
She is, just ask her.

Next blog: why I hate Nicholas Sparks.


meghan said...

So glad to hear that Maddy's feeling better! Ruby sure looks cute with her crazy hair.

Oh! Also, it looks like you need to update your "About Me" section... Instead of having a teenager trapped inside an 8 year old body, you now have a teenager trapped inside a 9 year old body. Get with the program, lady! Before you know it, you'll have a teenager trapped inside... a teenager's body. Crazy. That girl's growing up so fast! Love all you guys lots and lots!

Jessica said...

I love that happy Elasta Girl photo. She is all sorts of cuteness. I am happy she is feeling better. If it makes you feel any better, your house is way more fun than mine and you are a way more fun mom than I am. So there.

Have you been watching/reading The Notebook or A Walk to Remember?

Emily said...

Your hatred for Nicholas Sparks?? Love him. He does have a way of ruining a perfectly good "happy ending" with death. I'm starting to think he's obsessed. But, come on now. He can write a great book, right????

Shan said...

I'm prepared with my Nicholas Sparks testimony if you need it. Plus, also, you can read your mom's blog to see why I don't feel sad about you and the weevils.

Jeanne said...

Oh come ON! You can't leave me hangin' like that. I love a good Nicholas Sparks hater.

Unknown said...

Well, the sock puppets are totally cute, and I am glad Mads is better. I can't wait to hear why you hate Nicholas Sparks. I mean, I could guess, but I want to hear what you have to say. I would blog, but things are really boring here. Things haven't gotten more exciting than the Cadillac. (You forgot to comment. I forgive you.)

Kim said...

Hillary..Kim Harris here. i found you from Janell. I hope it's ok that i browsed your ever-so clever blog. Dang girl, you are hilarious to read. Glad to see that that 'elasta girl is getting better.'Hope it's ok if i add you to my 'friend' list~ whenever i need a smile i'll read up on yours. also, can't wait to read your next post:)

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

You DIDN'T read another Nicholas Sparks kill-off-one-of-the-happy-lovers again, did you? Tell me you didn't.

"It's only a movie."

mrs. eek said...

Bailey was very excited to get her BFF back to school also. And for the creative things, I've just got lucky and had JUNK that worked for there little crafts. You've also done fun things with the girls, Bailey likes your house better than ours. I guess that's how kids look at it. Crazy girls