Friday, February 20, 2009

Spring is almost starting to maybe think about coming....perhaps

I have no reason for these pictures of Roo, except for she is so stinkin' cute. Even when she pouts. I think she was mad because we were going inside. I don't have any pictures of Elasta Girl because she wouldn't stop riding her scooter long enough for me to take one. Too bad for her. And us.
Now, for the spring part of the show.
Our bulbs are coming up!

We still have snow on the ground, but bulbs mean spring is nearly here, right?

Every spring, summer and fall for all 3 of the years we have lived at this house Mr Smith has done something every evening, that I HATE.

The garage door opens, the girls, yell "Daddy's home" and we wait and wait and wait for the dad to come inside. It doesn't ever happen. First we think he is on his phone, then we think maybe he is visiting with a neighbor, then we start to be bugged and finally we go searching for him. He is always here.... the garden - doing dirty stuff. Last night we found him turning the soil in his planter beds. He read in some crazy planting book that you could start planting as soon as you could turn the soil. He has been trying every day since. He was getting so excited with every new worm he found, he would make me come and look at each one. I was not as excited as he was.

I suppose I would rather him be here, than at a greasy unmentionable place after work. All I want him to do is come say "hello" first. It's not too much to ask is it? You know, so we feel we are more loved and more important to him than the garden. I KNOW we are more loved and important than the garden so don't get all huffy and yell people.


And after. Isn't it spectacular?

The end.


rouskafamily said...

Think spring, think spring!! Bring it on mother nature babe. We are ready!!! I am sooooo tired of the snow. Love reading your blog you are so freaking funny, ALWAYS!!!! Happy Spring!!

Jessica said...

If I hadn't seen it, I wouldn't believe it. Yea, spring!

Plus that pouter is SO CUTE. You could make a million bucks off that face, I tell you.

Jeanne said...

Send Max over here. We need HELP with our weed garden. I mean it's a great weed garden. I just wish it would magically produce something else. I guess we need someone to turn the soil.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

When you hear the garage door open run into the garage and give him hugs and kisses and then you can go back inside the house and he can go turn his soil and everybody will be sooo happy.

Any other problems you need solved? I'm here to help.

Your own personal Ann Landers, Mom

Insightful Nana said...

Years ago... I had very successful grow boxes. When we moved I left them behind and I miss that type of gardening. Has you husband looked in to "square foot gardening" which is ideal for raised beds.

Square foot gardening is use in foreign counties for the best production in crowded city areas.

His soil looks beautiful... Looking forward to you keeping up with his quest and sharing it with us.


Unknown said...

I looked at this this morning and couldn't think of a comment and I am now way too tired, but I wanted you to know I loked and liked it. And Ruby is too cute. OF COURSE