Friday, February 27, 2009

Tonsils and some other stuff...

I didn't take another picture, but by noon our snow was completely gone. ( Thank goodness for an east facing house) So Spring is back on.... welcome to Utah, people.

Today, the Ear Nose and Throat guy said that Elasta Girl's tonsils are bigger than golf balls and he can't see her adenoids (cuz of the tonsil largeness) but they are most likely huge too. He showed us on a poster diagram where her adenoids were and about how big they probably were. (no wonder she can't breathe) He asked if I had noticed her breathing through her mouth much. OH MY LANDS. ONLY EVERY DAY. Mouth breathers are one of my buggiest peeves ever. Just ask me. Or hang out with me for 5 minutes. I have suffered in (almost complete) silence with Elasta Girl because, frankly I didn't want to give her a complex. Or be mean.

Her surgery is scheduled for Thursday March, 26th. I KNOW. A month away, I was almost a bummed about it as Elasta Girl. ( I think she was hoping for Monday) She will miss 7 days of school and as soon as she is ready to go back... Spring break will start. She won't actually go back to school until April 12th. Oh, I hope we survive the break.

As for those sad pictures of the girls from the last post: Elasta girl wasn't as sad that morning as she was tired. Although, she is always a bit sad when I wake her up for school. She was actually rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and not so much crying.

Roo WAS sad. She was sad that morning because I told her she couldn't have OREO's for breakfast. I know, I know. I'm so MEAN. So there you have it. One tired and one sad. It makes for a delightful morning.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

I am so glad you ignored the mouth breather. You will be so thrilled with the new quiet version. Poor little golf ball kid. She should get some presents.

Jeanne said...

I remember when Becky got her tonsils out. Boy was I jealous. We brought her a new coloring book (I think) and she got to have all the ice cream and popsicles she could eat. Who wouldn't love that? Only 25 more days. You can do it!

Rachel said...

Love your blog Hillary! You take some great pictures. I hope your daughter can last till her tonsils come out. Too bad she has to wait so long. Not fun!

Unknown said...

Jason is getting HIS tonsils out March 24. Hopefully the snoring will end! My brave niecy-pie. Does she sound like a train too? Don't tell her I asked.