Monday, February 23, 2009

a weekend in the life...

Saturday morning was very successful. The girls washed the bathroom. With involves them changing in to matching "work" outfits. They got the tub wet, poured COMET in it and scrubbed with sponges - on their feet. Their method takes a REALLY long time. But since I don't have to do it it is sooooo worth it. Plus, it is something they love, and can do together - with out arguing. EVEN BETTER.

Elasta Girl washing off her legs. She really gets into her work.

While the girls were on bathroom duty, Mr Smith and I were making mischief in Roos room. NOT THAT KIND!

We were taking down Roo's toddler bed and bring up her "big girl" bed. Which looks similar to a twin mattress and box spring on the floor.

Her first reaction to her new bed - after the camera was ready.

Her second reaction, Which involved JUMPING like crazy. She was super excited. If we could all be as happy with something as simply (or lame) as a mattress on the floor.

I asked her the next morning, if she fell out of the bed in the night and she said: "yeah, it was funny".

After our inside jobs were finished, we headed outside to finally take down the Christmas lights. Saturday was so warm and sunshiney that we didn't even wear jackets. Mr. Smith worked in the garden for a bit and the girls road their scooters. Elasta Girl had a spill and skinned her knee. Which was about the end of the world for her, until we distracted her with the job of holding the Ziploc bag of Christmas light hangers. Crafty, aren't we?

We had lunch and then Mr Smith took the girls and his sis Meghan fishing. I didn't go with. Yippy. And since this is my blog, that is all I'll say about the TRAUMA of me not going with.

I ran errand instead. Alone time, all by myself. It was glorious.

Sunday, the girls and I went to church. After that we went to Mr Smith's parents house to visit the Grandpa who had back surgery on Friday. He is doing rather well. Somehow, we got conned into staying for dinner. It was delicious. And somehow, Meghan got tricked into face painting.

Now it's Monday and Mr Smith is gone working far far away for the whole week. And that's lonely.



rouskafamily said...

Who wouldn't love a bed on the floor. Children and so simple and then we ruin them. Happy to hear from you and your blog, it always makes me smile.

Jessica said...

I would say that was a fantastic weekend. What is better that a clean tub - cleaned by friends, a new bed, fishing and alone time, dinner, and lovely face decor? WOW.

Jeanne said...

I LOVE the picture at the beginning of your post. So sweet. You really should live closer to me ya know so we can be lonely together when our hubbys are away.

Jesse's girl said...

Whenever I have a bad day, all I need is to look at pictures of your awesome family and I'm all better! I only hope I get little ones half as cute and that I'm half as good as you at being a mommy!
Miss you lots!!!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Wow, four comments before your mom shows up.

Wonderful, I feel like I was there, watching the whole week-end. The photos are great, too.

Doesn't Roo know the "No more monkey's jumping on the bed," rule? But if she thinks falling out of bed is funny maybe it's okay.

Unknown said...

I heard about the Red Velvet cake. Yum. Seriously, I wish the girls could come do my tub. It has not been cleaned in many, many moons. Do you think Azzy's old enough? It looks like such fun. I saw a purse with cherries at the flea market and was tempted on your behalf, but it was too little girly. (The tag said "Disney Store"). But I was thinking about you and do often.


Shan said...

That photo of your girls with Mr. Smith is pretty much my favorite. Keep if forever and always so he can pull it out and show them when they are teenagers and want him to belive that he is not their favorite person. Teenagers believe that a lot because they want to run about freely with no rules or consequences. I think he'll be glad that he has proof he is the greatest dad ever.

Joel and Jessie said...

The pictures are adorable! It sounds like it was a fun weekend! jessie

Anonymous said...

I want to take off her shorts and panties and christen that bed