Monday, December 1, 2008

People I love today...

I don't have much of anything to blog about today, since I have the gunk I have been pretty boring. My mom has the gunk too and so I am blogging to give her something to read. I am so thoughty. This is yet another reason why I am the favorite child.

I was going through my pictures to find something to blog about and came across this one.
It is Mr Smiths mom, his youngest sister and the girls. And I just love those people. His mom is the kindest most loving, accepting and delightful Mom-in-law on the planet. I just love her right to pieces, and I know she thinks I'm great too. She bought me a present the other day just because. That is not why I love her, although some of you people might want to try it. It wouldn't hurt your standing.

As for his younger sister, ( I don't have nick names for these people and I know my mom would have an attack of grand proportion if I put their real names on the blog so you'll have to do for now with what you get) Oh yes, his youngest sister is a gem. She just loves the girls and takes care of them and plays with them and is so fun and patient with them, even when they're turds. I know she loves me just as much too which makes it that much better to be related to her. I couldn't love her more if she was my real live sister. (relax, I love you too Alz)

So this is my blog for today. I love these girls. Except for one thing, today I had to actually call Santa (Rubs calls him "the big guy") to talk about how rotten she was. I have never had to call Santa, I have reminded the girls that the Elves were watching but never an actual phone call. She was rotten. It's true. She wouldn't clean up her puny mess in her room and she was sassy and so she was stuck in there all afternoon. She finally cleaned and you'll be happy to know she got to eat dinner.


HOW RUDE, there is a spider crawling up my wall. How even ruder, I missed him. I think my gunk is affecting my aim. I gotta go before he bites my pigs.

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

First of all your mouth must be washed out with The Soap Qween's soap for saying the word, "turd." Aunt Pat would roll over in her grave. In fact I happen to know that you've said it so often that poor Aunt Pat has no corners left. She's just one smooth person, like a pillar of salt. Please repent because your very mother hates the word too. It's like using the word "puke" when you could say "throw up."

Second of all that youngest sister is surely the Student Queen or some such name that denotes smartness of the highest degree.

Third of all the mother-in-law does indeed take the prize. I like her better than I like myself. AND she is way skinny too. Much skinnier than the photo. She was wearing a cute black top with dragonflies on it. Wasn't she just smashing looking? I wonder if her bum is bony. Don't say I wondered. She might not ask me over anymore and I do so like to go.

Fourth of all, the mother of the disobedient child should have gone in and cheerfully helped. The Savior does not leave us alone. Why would you?

Fifth of all, thanks for blogging. It did indeed make my day happy. Except for that bad word which I cannot bring myself to type again. It gives me the shudders.