Elk meat is foreign and strange for me and I have struggled cooking with it. Elk is super lean and therefore ALWAYS dry and tough to eat. The only success I have had is with the burger, which is chocked full of pork or beef fat so I'm pretty sure it doesn't really count as elk.
Anyway, The other week I attempted something other than elk burger. I made elk stew. And can I say, "IT WAS FABULOUS". Now, I did not grow up eating strange things, at least not until my parents went vegetarian and Mom made something us kids lovingly call "square ribs". But that is a story for another time.
I grew up with chicken and beef, you know, regular stuff like that. Stuff that comes in a nice plastic package from the grocery store. When I married my fly fisherman, I thought I was safe... I wasn't. Now I cook strange meat packaged in butcher paper with Mr. Smith's hand writing telling what is inside.
This is the picture that made me get my camera in the middle of elk stew dinner. Little Ru was SILENT and eating with her hand on her forehead. (which she calls a "bean") Ru is NEVER silent, nor does she sit still, especially at dinner. In fact, she usually falls off her chair at least once every night.
You are eating Rudolph and you mock my green smoothies?
You should post the recipe. That could be a WHOLE BLOG!
Ru, holding her hand on her "bean" is too funny. And Elasta Girl is just plain cute.
Thanks for today. I love yer guts.
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