The cutest girls ever in their matching (but opposite) sweaters from Santa. You can't deny these faces. I was so sad to see Christmas vacation end. It took a few days for the girls to get back into the groove of playing nice together, and by the time vacation ended they were having all sorts of fun.
Mr. Smith and me, taken by Elasta Girl. I think I was saying something to her when she snapped this picture. I don't know what R. is doing in the back ground but I do know, Mr. Smith is good looking.
We were at the grocery store a few days after Christmas day and was browsing through the 75% off holiday stuff. I bought some delightful red and green handles paper scissors for 88 cents. The girls bought these stuffed animals with their very own $2.
Elasta Girl names her teddy bear "Sparkle"
Lastly, here are my most recent toes. I am not so enamoured with them. They're not as cute in person and I already have something in mind for next time.
You and Mr. Smith are both so good looking I had to hunt up some sunglasses to protect my eyes from the brilliance but they were so old only one lense was there and now I'm blind in one eye. Har har.
I love the pictures. And you and the whole gang, cougheventhestillinheavenonescough. I must be getting a cold. Did you HEAR that cough? Guess I better go take my liquid vitamin D3's.
what do you have in mind for next time? I like the tulips, they're springy!! What's that about family members still in heaven? News????
I love your toes, Hillyerie! Mine are just plain skin colored. Shameful, I know. However, my most favorite thing is that I hardly noticed how good looking you and Mr. Smith are for looking at that Rubs monkey in the background. She's pretty happy about something back there. Sure love your guts!
You little complainer. You have the cutest toes ever, and I don't see how you deny it. I would like you to do hot air balloons. Maybe when I come visit? I blogged, so hurry and comment. I know, no pictures, but I tried to tell a good story, and as you will see, it is Jason's fault we don't have pictures.
You little complainer. You have the cutest toes ever, and I don't see how you deny it. I would like you to do hot air balloons. Maybe when I come visit? I blogged, so hurry and comment. I know, no pictures, but I tried to tell a good story, and as you will see, it is Jason's fault we don't have pictures.
Hey! I just realized you guyses are "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" -- how cool is that? Will you be destroying your kitchen anytime soon? ;-)
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