Friday, November 14, 2008

Christmas is coming the goose goose run

I don't have anything to write about this picture except for she is so cute. I love that little Ru.

Tonight is my Daddy Daughter Date for the Activity Girls (age 8 - 11) in our ward. I'm sure I will post about it tomorrow, if I survive. It is a fall themed night and I am tearing down all my decor in my house to use for our party. I'm not really sure it is going back up when I get home. I think I'll just have bare shelves and naked walls until the Christmas stuff gets put up. I feel really good about this idea. Don't you?
I feel good abut my decision because I went to Target the other day and bought these...

They weren't on sale or anything. Can you believe me? I just bought them full price and all. Aren't they delightful.

I bought 2 of the birds nest snow globes because both the girls "needed" one for their ornament this year and I bought the other one for Mads because 2 years ago Rubs broke Mads snow globe/socking ornament and she wanted to say sorry to Mads. I'm sure Mads will be sore about it for the rest of her days. That is what siblings do right?

That's all loveyoubye.h


TeamGornold said...

rubs is too darn cute with her big eyes and super cute cheeks! she does look a lot like you hill.
aren't i the best for commenting on your blog ohsomuch!?! (hint, hint)
love you and miss you lots!

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Uh-oh, and The Riz owes you a snow globe from years ago too, huh? I'm a bad mom not to replace it. Sor-ry.

Hope your Daddy Daughter Date activity went well. Tell me all about it.

Hillary said...

Maummm you did replace the snow globe but it wasn't the same. I want one that is Heed and my in a sled. Rotten little sisters! Poor me.