Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wax on wax off...

Today before church I decided that I couldn't stand my eyebrows any longer. While the wax was heating up I asked "who wants me to wax their eyebrows?" Silly Mr. Smith (that's Mighty M's new name by the way-I'm in charge, I changed it) said "oh me, I do." Rubs said "me too, I want you to wax my eyebrows." If you know me, I have waxed Mads eyebrow (just in the middle so he had 2 and not 1) but I only did it when she was old enough to ask and understand that it doesn't feel great. Well, I have felt the same about Rubs. Not until she was old enough to understand. Right? So I explained to her in 3 year old terms and she still wanted me to wax her uni-brow. Yes, she actually said "uni-brow" She's my child remember.
The Before. Note her smiley happy face and furry brow. I think it is rather cute. But I think she is rather cute.

Her is another so you can get the full effect. She's a darling child uni-brow and all.

And the after. She was very upset and not in love with her mother at this moment. Or for many moments after that one. Poor little crumb.

Here's another one. You can't see, but she had big crocodile tears and everything. I am not winning Mother of the Year today. Maybe tomorrow. Today I am a turkey.

Gobble gobble.


Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

Oooooh my. She's what? THREE!? Remember what happened the first time you waxed my eyebrows? I was holding baby Bailey and I shreiked and then he bawled. Hysterically!

And I'll bet you chuckled at wee Miss Rubs. I'll just bet you did. And Mr. Smith? Did he cry too and give you the stink eye?

PS I need my eyebrows waxed. I won't cry. Not much, anyway.

Unknown said...

Oh, potato! Poor little Ruby! Why oh why has God given us any hair that is not exactly how we would have it? Maybe he needs help. Maybe he needed a hair coordinator because he could not handle it all himself, OBVIOUSLY.
I just wanted to CRY at little Ruby's after. I know it hurts so, so badly. Looking at her "after" shot actually made me cringe in discomfort. My poor, poor little cupcake. Azzy has delicate little brows, but if she has a unibrow when she is older do not tell her, please!



jessica said...

Why am I not surprised that you waxed your 3 year old? You are a vain person, my dear! I just love it!